In the Name of God
Islamic Republic of Iran Date: Oct.13.2003
Ministry of Culture & Islamic Guidance No. F/452
State Cultural Heritage Organization
Mousavi Carpet Gallery was established in 1960 with the effort and management of Master Seyed Abolhassan Mousavisirat. This center is one of the oldest and active artistic centers in the carpet industry of Iran and is active in designing and weaving pictorial carpets and presentation of types of innovations in the original carpet weaving art. For this reason in the year 2003 on the National Day of Iranian Carpet, Iran Carpet Museum has appreciated from Master Seyed Abolhassan Mousavisirat due to his long term artistic activities in the field of designing and weaving outstanding and unique samples and presented medal by the Ministry of Culture & Islamic Guidance .
Main characteristics of Mousavi Carpet Gallery is selection of cultural , unit subject and using regular tissue methods and types of knots and using herbal colors and if required permanent chemical colors and high composition of colors.
One of the unique work of Master in the set of Iran Carpet Museum including 26 carpet of Shahnameh Baysonghori. This set having special characteristic and composed and designed with various and different colors and designs and scenes from one side and skill of Master in the field of chromatics and scening and nowadays this set is discussed as an artistic master work. Master Mousavi with his skills and experience has showed the Shanameh in the finest form and gave real spiritual to Shahnameh..
Another work of Master Mousavi includes: Portrait of Secretary General of UN, Meaj Hazrat Mohammad, Hazrat Masih, Darb Khaneh Khoda, Halgheh Darvishan, Ghosl Tamid Hazrat Masih, Portrait of well known personalities and number of other carpets and designing and its tissue performed under the direct supervision of Master in the stages of dyeing, selection of colors, type of tissue and finishing. These works are considered as an unique work and confirmed by the experts of museum .
Signed & Sealed: Director, Iran Carpet Museum
Leila Dadgar
True translation certified
Oct. 2003

In the Name of God
Respected Artist, Master Seyed Abolhasan Mousavisirat
While presenting a volume of Hafez poetical works on the occasion Handiwork World Day and wishing you further success by the grace of Almighty God , your years of effort in the path of traditional art of this country is highly appreciated .
Signed: Dean, Applied Plastic Arts
Art University
June 1992
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
State Cultural Heritage Organization
Iran Carpet Museum
In the Name of God
Master Abolhasan Mousavisirat
Your efforts in the path of promoting the quality and design art and carpet weaving is highly appreciated .
This award is presented to you to appreciate your brilliant artistic activities.
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
Ministry of Industries
Iran Handicraft Industries Org. Photograph of the holder
North Region Handicraft Co. No. 2117
Date: Aug.11.1997
Identification Card
Handicraft Industries
Mr. Seyedmohsen Mousavisirat , holder of I.d. Card No. 1057 issued in Tehran, born in 1967 is permitted to practice production of handicraft in the field of carpet design in the province of Tehran.
It is evident that the applicant undertook not to change the line and method of production without the permission of Iran Handicraft Organization, otherwise, the Organization will be entitled to cancel this license .
Validity of this card is one year from the date of issue and will be extended for the period of one year by submitting sufficient documents.
Signed & Sealed: In charge and Director Executive Board
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Respected Master
Mr. Seyed Hasan Mousavi
While appreciating your efforts and endeavor in the artistic scene of the country, on the occasion of world handicraft day your services is highly appreciated .
We wish your further success to serve the Islamic and National Art of our Islamic Country by the grace of Almighty God.
Signed : Chancellor
Art University
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Islamic Republic of Iran
Ministry of Commerce Tehran International Fair
Export Promotion Center of Iran
Letter of Commemoration
Mousavi Carpet Gallery
Thanking your participation and inaugurating the 4th Big Fair of Iranian Carpet and International Conference (23 to 29 August 1995) , this letter of commemoration is presented to you.
Signed: Deputy of Export , Minister of Commerce
Director General, Export Promotion Center of Iran
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Iran Handicraft Organization
Letter of Appreciation
Mousavi Carpet Gallery
Considering your effective and active participation in the 1st Fair of Selected Works of Handicrafts of Asian and Oceania countries (Nov. 1993 in Tehran ), this Organization hereby announces its thanks and appreciation .
Signed: Chairman Board of Directors and Managing Director
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Islamic Republic of Iran
Ministry of Commerce Export Promotion Center of Iran
Expansion of Export = Promotion of Quality of Products
Letter of Commemoration
Mousavi Carpet Gallery
Thanks for your active participation and inaugurating the Specialized Fair of Exporting Carpet maximum up to 1.5 column held from 12 to 17 November .
Signed & Sealed: Deputy Minister and Director General
Export Promotion Center of Iran
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Islamic Republic of Iran
Ministry of Commerce Export Promotion Center of Iran
Expansion of Export = Promotion of Quality of Products
Letter of Appreciation
Mr. Seyed Abolhasan Mousavisirat
Thanking for your participation in the Specialized Fair of Exporting Carpet up to 1.5 column and on the occasion of weaving and presenting a worthy artistic painting , this letter of appreciation is awarded to you.
Signed: Deputy Minister and Director General
Export Promotion of Iran
True translation certified
Oct. 2003
In the Name of God
Media Company Export Promotion Center of Iran
Letter of Appreciation
Media Production and Marketing Company inaugurator of 2nd Fair of Iran Products with the cooperation of Export Promotion Center of Iran, Ministry of Commerce and Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran at Qatar International Fairs Center from 22nd to 28th January 1995, we hereby present our heartiest congratulation for the active participation and friendly cooperation and exceptional effort in the 2nd Fair of Iranian Products in Qatar to Mousavi Carpet .
Signed: Export Promotion Center of Iran
Signed: Director, Media Production and Marketing Co.
True translation certified formerly translated from Arabic into
Persian certified by Gholamreza Gheysari
Oct. 2003